Wednesday, June 18, 2008


刚刚在看《爱莉森与莉莉亚》时,脑子里老是有件事放不下 : 堂堂公主殿下和鼎鼎大名的救世大英雄在火车上幽会应该是头条八卦大新闻吧!那两个家伙搞在一起这么久还没传绯闻实在是有点不可思议。连盗摄用的袖珍型相机都有了,狗仔队还在跟他们客气什么?难不成在等人发明印刷机?

话说回来,阿Fi 拖着相机到火车上和帅哥开房用意何在?(她是陈冠希fan?) “思い出を残す為に持って来たの。”到底想留下什么样的回忆实在是让人非常期待。 Fiona 小妹妹,做事太冲动的话,长大了可要后悔哦!(话是这么说,不过要是出DVD特典的话我应该会立刻上Amazon 预购吧。)

只看到第九话,接下来似乎又会有什么政治阴谋之类的情节,说实在并不太感兴趣。还是想尽办法要把Will 给XX掉的Allison最可爱。

Did you notice the Ms. Shinigami in Kyouran Kazoku Nikki says a lot of "desu"s? While listening to her scream "Desu!" on the roller coaster, a few of my neurons made the connection between "desu" and "デス" (Death). Now I know what that two-faced heterochromatic doll from the other anime was saying all along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha Allison and Liliath... I think it belongs to the SoL shows. Allison is awesomely cute. Wil is Sousuke-level blockhead.

Shinigami's desu's are ultra-cute! Sadly RM got not enough Suiseiseki...