Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tower of Druaga Episode 5

Just as i thought the series was steadily sliding into mediocrity, along came ep5 to deliver a comedic knockout on par with Fumoffu. Plus, the Gonzo guys finally got it into their heads to enlarge the credits' fonts so that they're now actually legible on the streamed version.

I won't spoil the gags, but be prepared for boobs, penises and THE ROPER DANCE. Oh, and watch out for Mamimami's shota, for no reason other than it's Mamimami. It's like she's playing nothing but shotas this season.

This ep totally bumped Druaga up my watching priority list by a good 10 places or so. Please excuse me while i go watch the whole episode again.


Anonymous said...

Too bad I'm lagging behind on Tower of Druaga and Allison again. :( See if got time, catch up soon. And on another (unrelated) note, my computer is running out of space again. Critical now.

And I'm going quite crazy on 偷龙转凤. At ep17 or 18 now. Zhang Ting is the best. Ultimate funny facial expressions. And the emperor is one of the few male leads that rock.

And regarding your previous post, unfortunately, it cannot be found in a certain library in Tokyo, yet. So too bad...

And I just realised the series(es) for the characters that make up my nick have now ended. How sad is that!

Anonymous said...

I have nothing else to say about your space crunch besides DELETE THE BACKUP TO THE BACKUP TO THE BACKUP OF LUCKY STAR. In how many different resolutions do you want to watch Kagami anyway?

Zhangting is great, but too bad she hasn't been in any other hit show, nothing that has been shown on tv here anyway. And they changed the emperor in season 2, which is one of the major reasons why the second one sucked.

Ya, the library in Tokyo has yet to add that title to it's inventory. Wait around for a few days, i'm sure it'll show up eventually.

There's HnG season 2 and uh, Kagami will always live on in our memories. May her soul rest in peace. Ya, so don't feel too sad.