Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kangaroos Know Their Own Dongs

I just had another one of my retarded seiyuu dreams, i.e. dreamt of one. Been, what, 8 months since the last? Wonder what precipitated this particular one. Anyway, here goes the story this time…

Once upon a time, on a sunny island south of Truly Asia, there lived a guy called I, who decided to go to the shopping mall for some reason I (me) can’t quite remember. I (the guy) might have been attending some anime convention.

At the Entrance to the Shopping Mall was an apparel store. To get straight to the point, Rierie was the sales girl. Oh right! Being an ardent admirer of this Rie, I (the guy) stood there staring like an idiot. Note that I (the guy) is well behaved even if this was a dream. I (me) thinks I (the guy) is an idiot.

Just then, I (the guy) was approached by the Rie.

“What you looking for ah?” asked the Rie in perfect Sunny island south of Truly Asia accent (Ah Lian variant).

Somewhat disappointed but still excited like mad, I (the guy) muttered something incomprehensible and walked off towards the escalators. I (me) seriously thinks I (the guy) is an idiot.

However, a new Boss awaited on the next floor. Kugimi (in an apron and headscarf) was selling pancakes. I (me) forgot which kind, probably bcos I (the guy) didn’t really stay long enough too find out. I (me) really thinks I (the guy) is an idiot.

Fleeing from Kugimi, I (the guy) ran into Kikuko Inoue 17 Sai, who was milling around like an NPC in some SNES era RPG. By that time, I (the guy), was probably bloody sure that this must be the most awesome convention ever bcos even the auntie selling pancakes is Kugimi. I (the guy) was perplexed though, by how no one else seemed to recognize the celebrities(?), yet secretly bloody happy since he can now claim elite seiyuu fan status.

To cut a long dream really short, since I (me) am late for work, the convention was held on the top of the building. Somehow it was already nighttime. I (me) said “already” but I (me) didn’t actually know at what time of the day I (the guy) started climbing the Mall. Highlight of the day was a performance by, of all people, Nakahara Mai. Ya, the sharp-nosed one. But on closer inspection, it’s actually a trap. The trap sang Kohaku (by Shimokawa Mikuni) for some reason. I (the guy) sang along in the audience, even though he knew it was a trap. And despite the fact that he was sucking on a sweet. I (the guy) had one of the happiest days of his life.

The End.

Edit: uploaded 15 hours late bcos my net connection was down for some reason. it's been buggy since i got infected with some bloody spyware/trojan/virus from that supposed PS2 emulator. I think people can stop trying to reach me on MSN for the time being cos i'll most probably only receive the message the following day if i do at all.

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