Monday, August 25, 2008


So what does one do when one discovers a cute picture? Post it here!

So here are two unknown people (to me) posing. Unable to recognize them or read the moonspeak from the site I grabbed this picture from, you will have to enjoy this picture as it is.

As 大将 said, Rierie hasn't updated her blog in ages (in internet time), so I hope everything is going well for her wherever she may be. Reading about her gushing about Fantasy Star Portable is amusing.

In other non-related stuff, Tonari no 801-chan will be animated by KyoAni in 2009. Source: . Now, reading the short synopsis doesn't really inspire me that much. But it IS romantic comedy+Slice of Life, so as long as the comedy side works, it shouldn't flop. But more importantly, it is animated by KA, so I'll be watching it anyway.

Somewhat related to KyoAni, here's something for the girls who actually pop by here to enjoy: . 大将, you can grab this video directly from me if you want, from the usual place.


ZeoiNagePotato said...

I believe those two are neko-san and jellyfish from Kyouran. Fujimura Ayumi and Satou Rina.

And why are you suddenly into yaoi? Thought you were lolicon. Btw, i think 801 stands for yaoi,800=yao, 1=i(chi). Tonari no yaoi-chan. Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

Haha no I'm not into yaoi at all. Not at all. Zero, yadda, zilch, impossible and no way.

That said, there's some Kaguya in CG20, and the return of C.C.-sama!