Saturday, August 30, 2008


So I've been catching up on some shows that I've been missing, such as ATOM and Keroro. Progress is rather slow, but slowly and steadily, I'm covering some ground. Here's a picture I got:


But then again, my favourite character (so far) is MiyaMiya. Hilarious and cute.

And the best character in Hidamari also goes by the same name. And cute too.

I have yet to get anything from Comex. Sigh... maybe tomorrow.

Finally, a few pictures full of cuteness from Macross:

Klan showing her girly side

Ranka looking absolutely adorable

Tsun Tsun Klan

1 comment:

ZeoiNagePotato said...

I didn't go to Comex after all, totally can't stand crowds. Got someone else to get an external Hdd for me though. Haha, more space for Fall 08.