Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Think Some Otaku Ghost Is Haunting My Workplace

Ghostly Encounter Number One

One fine morning, as I was settling down in the conference room for our daily brief...

I heard a whisper.

Bible Black”.


Well, of course the phenomenon can be explained by the relatively high concentration of horny adolescents in my workplace, but it’s spooky nonetheless.

(Btw, I don’t belong in the horny group.)

Ghostly Encounter Number Two

Imagine my shock when I saw these headlines:

Air Force Command Institute fosters new-type air commanders

So the Human Reform League has been conducting Newtype experiments after all. Gosh, Sunrise must secretly have the best intel network in the world. Now that the PLA has got Allelujah and Soma on their side (not to mention maybe Char, Amuro and Killer Yamato), Taiwan is so going to get pwned. They should just scrap the F16 deal and go build some Zakus instead.

Ghostly Encounter Number Three

Conference room again, morning brief. Me walks in half-asleep, plonks my ass on usual chair, open eyes.

Two Dangos starring back at me from the whiteboard.

Scary, no?

Oh wait.

Forgot I had drawn the Dangos while on nightwatch. =p (Accidentally in indelible ink too.)

Despite valiant attempts to destroy them, the insoluble Dangos have been regular participants of all meetings big and small for the past two weeks.

Other Miscellaneous Ghostly Encounters

Voice of KOTOKO issuing forth from someone’s car radio; C.C. appearing in my mailbox; hushed murmurs of “Geass”; me developing the ability to sing the tongue twister of a song that is Northern Cross overnight (albeit only the first few stanzas); the mysterious copy of Gunslinger Girls in the guardhouse; bahasa-dubbed Yugi-Oh suddenly streaming on the video wall; someone humming Koi no Mikuru Denstetsu… Wait, I think that last one was me again.

The Ultimate Spooker

All the above spooky incidents culminated in the ultimate shock this evening - when I least expected it.



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