Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hayate no Gotoku Season 2

Looking back on the first season, i think HnG started rather strongly with it's wacky humour but went into a slump about 10 eps in since you can only do parodies for so long before the bleeping gets really old. It's not exactly like Gintama where there's at least a plot and the parody episodes are not as frequent but really make me LOL when they do come along.

i kind of adjusted my expectations for the show halfway in and it felt like the show got better somehow. Maybe it's just bcos it coincided with increased Maria fanservice which definitely helps any show. Towards the end of the season, i found myself looking forward to Hayate every week, expecting a light comedy that doesn't guarantee any lols but would definitely bring a few chuckles and moe moments without fail.

i'm pretty much looking forward to the second season, bcos even if it totally ran out of gas and the gags got old, at least there's more Tanaka Rie.

Here's hoping season 1 ends with a bang tomorrow.

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